Saturday, June 1, 2013

An Early Morning God Moment

So, everyone in the house except Erika and me are still asleep (it's 8:00 a.m. here). We're both afraid to wake anyone with I thought I would do a brief post about something that came to mind as I was sitting here awake.

First of all, if you are religiously sensitive, you can decide to stop reading right now. For those who know me well enough know that my Christian faith is important to me, but I would never intentionally (nor do I want to at all) shove it at anyone. So, if you want to, keep reading and develop your own opinions afterwards. :)

My temporary bed is out in the living room; it faces the house next door (houses here are built very close to each other). The sun was coming in at the perfect angle through the windows in the living room, and really outlined the architecture of the house. I almost forgot that I was in the United States because, in this particular neighborhood, every house is SO colorful and simply beautiful in its unique structure. Then it occurred to me that what I was seeing was a simple, but huge, moment given by The Big Man himself. I really lit up inside after seeing this view and just knew inside that God has MUCH more in store for me during this time in El Paso.

Aside from this minor event, this trip itself has already been one gigantic God moment. It is rare when you are given opportunities to submerse yourself in a city that has a completely different culture from your own. I personally find this to be a gift from God. If I'm remembering correctly, I believe over 80% of El Paso is Latino/Mexican/Hispanic. Even when you walk around the city, there are cultural differences with how you are addressed and approached, billboards written in only Spanish, and buildings and houses that have a completely different structure and color palet than cities in the United States. All of these differences remind me that we SHOULD all be given the same love, appreciation, and acknowledgement of our own cultural differences. We're brothers and sisters all being connected by God/someone/something. I am really excited to explore around the city more today and get a feel for where things are located. As well as having more of those God moments and reminders that all of the breathtaking, beautiful sights (such as the mountains) were made possible by Him.

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